Total Hip Arthroplasty with Porous Metal Cups following Acetabular Fracture. HIP International. 2013;23(5):465-471.

Total Hip Arthroplasty with Porous Metal Cups following Acetabular Fracture

Kamath AF, Evangelista PJ, Nelson CL.

Total hip arthroplasty (THA) after acetabular fracture presents unique challenges, including acetabular fixation. Twelve patients with a history of acetabular fracture underwent THA with porous metal cups. The average age was 57 years (range 24-88). THA was performed at an average 20 months from initial fracture. Average follow-up was 39 months (range 24-49). Average WOMAC scores improved from 32 to 79; UCLA scores improved from 1.75 to 5.25. There was one case of acetabular loosening in a renal transplant patient with rheumatoid arthritis. No other patients showed progressive radiolucent lines. At average three-year follow-up, porous metal components afforded improved clinical and radiographic outcomes in the majority of patients. Longer follow-up will determine whether porous metal is a durable option in the management of prior acetabular fracture.

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