JBJS, April 1, 2006, Volume 88, Issue 4

Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty

Robin R. Richards, MD, FRCSC
Elbow Shoulder

The editors of this text, who are acknowledged as experts in their field, state that their book is intended “to address the obvious need for education that exists with regard to shoulder and elbow arthroplasty.” They note the variable nature of the pathology encountered, the relative infrequency with which most individual surgeons perform shoulder and elbow arthroplasty, and the need for improved outcomes. The editors intend their text to be used as a springboard for delving more deeply into information on shoulder and elbow arthroplasty. Fifty-three experts, both well established and emerging, have contributed to the text, which is organized into two parts and six sections. The sections for both the shoulder and the elbow address implant, technical, and disease-specific considerations in turn. Seventeen chapters relate to the shoulder and fourteen, to the elbow.

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