Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica, 74:2, 186-189

Radiographic classification of glenohumeral arthrosis

Jens Brox, Paul Lereim, Else Merckoll & Anne Marie Finnanger

We studied the interobserver agreement of two radiographic classification systems for evaluation of glenohumeral arthrosis in 40 patients at long-term follow-up after the Eden Hybbinette operation for habitual dislocation of the anterior shoulder. Both observers agreed that none of the patients had severe arthrosis. The Samilson-Prieto system showed agreement using the classification in 35 of 40 operated shoulders (kappa 0.76). The Kellgren-Lawrence system showed agreement using the classification in 23 of 40 operated shoulders (kappa 0.36). The rate of arthrosis in the operated shoulder ranged from 0.2 to 0.6, depending on the classification system and the observer. None of the patients without arthrosis, but one fifth of those with arthrosis reported pain. The Samilson-Prieto classification is preferable because it is simple to use and has excellent interobserver agreement.

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