The Knee, ISSN: 1873-5800, Vol: 18, Issue: 5, Page: 294-9

Evaluation of implant position and knee alignment after patient-specific unicompartmental knee arthroplasty

Koeck, Franz Xaver; Beckmann, Johannes; Luring, Christian; Rath, Bjoern; Grifka, Joachim; Basad, Erhan

Implant positioning and knee alignment are two primary goals of successful unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. This prospective study outlines the radiographic results following 32 patient-specific unicompartmental medial resurfacing knee arthroplasties. By means of standardized pre- and postoperative radiographs of the knee in strictly AP and lateral view, AP weight bearing long leg images as well as preoperative CT-based planning drawings an analysis of implant positioning and leg axis correction was performed.The mean preoperative coronal femoro-tibial angle was corrected from 7° to 1° ( p < 0.001). The preoperative medial proximal tibial angle of 87° was corrected to 89° ( p < 0.001). The preoperative tibial slope of 5° could be maintained. The extent of the dorsal femoral cut was equivalent to the desired value of 5 mm given by the CT-based planning guide. The mean accuracy of the tibial component fit was 0 mm in antero-posterior and + 1 mm in medio-lateral projection. Patient-specific fixed bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty can restore leg axis reliably, obtain a medial proximal tibial angle of 90°, avoid an implant mal-positioning and ensure maximal tibial coverage.

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