The Journal of Arthroplasty, ISSN: 0883-5403, Vol: 24, Issue: 7, Page: 999-1005

Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Using an Anterior Approach and a Fracture Table: Short-term Results From a Community Hospital

Steven T. Woolson; Michael A. Pouliot; James I. Huddleston

There are no data regarding the efficacy and safety of minimally invasive hip arthroplasty technique performed by community practice orthopedists. The early clinical and radiographic results of primary total hip arthroplasty using a minimally invasive anterior approach to the hip performed on a fracture table were studied. Two hundred thirty-one consecutive patients (247 hips) of 5 community practice surgeons were studied. The average surgical time (164 minutes) and estimated blood loss (858 mL) were more than double, and the major complication rate (9%) was 6 times that reported by an innovator of the procedure. However, no postoperative dislocations occurred. Adequate training is critical to reduce the risk of complications during the learning experience of minimally invasive hip arthroplasty procedures by community practice surgeons.

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