Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: January 2010 - Volume 468 - Issue 1 - p 57–63 doi: 10.1007/s11999-009-1119-9 SYMPOSIUM: PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETINGS OF THE KNEE SOCIETY

Patient Satisfaction after Total Knee Arthroplasty: Who is Satisfied and Who is Not?

Bourne, Robert, B., MD, FRCSC1, a; Chesworth, Bert, M., PhD1; Davis, Aileen, M., PhD1; Mahomed, Nizar, N., MD, MPH, FRCSC1; Charron, Kory, D. J., Dipl. MET1

Despite substantial advances in primary TKA, numerous studies using historic TKA implants suggest only 82% to 89% of primary TKA patients are satisfied. We reexamined this issue to determine if contemporary TKA implants might be associated with improved patient satisfaction. We performed a cross-sectional study of patient satisfaction after 1703 primary TKAs performed in the province of Ontario. Our data confirmed that approximately one in five (19%) primary TKA patients were not satisfied with the outcome. Satisfaction with pain relief varied from 72-86% and with function from 70-84% for specific activities of daily living. The strongest predictors of patient dissatisfaction after primary TKA were expectations not met (10.7× greater risk), a low 1-year WOMAC (2.5× greater risk), preoperative pain at rest (2.4× greater risk) and a postoperative complication requiring hospital readmission (1.9× greater risk).


Level of Evidence: Level II, prognostic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

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