The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 29, Issue 4, 698 - 701

Defining the Errors in the Registration Process During Imageless Computer Navigation in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Cadaveric Study

Davis, Edward T. et al.

Computer assisted arthroplasty was introduced as a means to optimally align implants in order to improve function and longevity. The error during the manual registration of landmarks and its effect on component alignment was investigated in this study. Five fresh frozen lower limbs were used and the registration process was performed five times by five surgeons. The error range of the mechanical axis of the femur in the coronal plane was 5.2 degrees of valgus to 2.9 degrees of varus whilst the transepicondylar axis error was 11.1 degrees of external to 6.3 of internal rotation. Those figures suggest that the registration error alone can have a significant effect on the alignment of the implant.

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