The Journal of Arthroplasty, Volume 28, Issue 3, 423 - 428

Where Do Knee Revisions for Infection, Fracture, and Other Revisions Get Treated?

Barnes, C. Lowry et al.

Complicated knee revision procedures require specific expertise that may not be available across the healthcare network. Teaching hospitals appear to perform more knee revisions overall than urban or rural hospitals. We examined the location of care and payer status for all knee revisions including complex revisions (infection, periprosthetic fracture). Although only 39.7% of all primary total knee cases were performed in teaching hospitals, over half of all knee revisions were performed in teaching hospitals. Knee revision procedures, including treatment of periprosthetic infections and fractures are performed more often in teaching hospitals than in urban and rural settings combined. Reimbursement that does not match the cost of care for complex revision and infection cases may have a disproportionate impact on teaching hospitals.

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