The Short Rotators do not Influence Capsular Compliance or Pain in Severe Hip Osteoarthritis. A Randomised Controlled Trial. HIP International. 2011;21(3):299-302.

The Short Rotators do not Influence Capsular Compliance or Pain in Severe Hip Osteoarthritis. A Randomised Controlled Trial

Tarasevičius S, Loiba V, Wingstrand H.

A randomised controlled trial was performed to investigate if the short rotators affected the compliance of the capsule in osteoarthritis (OA).


68 OA patients admitted for total hip arthroplasty (THA) were randomised to have their compliance estimated during surgery with either their short rotators intact or released. Radiographic severity of OA, range of motion and pain were assessed in the affected hip before surgery. There was no significant difference in the compliance of the capsule whether the short rotators were intact or released (p= 0.5). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between pain and capsular compliance (p=0.4 and p=0.5). We found no significant effect of the short rotators on compliance of the hip joint capsule, and no significant correlation between pain and capsular compliance.

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